AFK to cover issues that matter to gamers Away From the Keyboard

    TORONTO, Ontario (July 6, 2021) – Warren Jansons saw a gap – and an opportunity – in the gaming community. While attending gamer events, Jansons would hear gamers’ banter during play and behind the scenes and realized how passionate they are as citizens of the world – beyond gaming.

    Many of us have observed the activism and influence of Gen-Z in the digital realm, given our past 16 months of pandemic-boosted screen time. And we’ve seen gaming culture go from pop culture references to mainstream adoption.

    Importantly, while marketers have aimed to make a connection with Gen-Z gamers, they have come to realize that brands that aren’t a relevant fit in gaming culture have struggled to find an authentic way in.

    To Jansons, a former executive at Enthusiast Gaming, what was missing was the space to talk to Gen-Z gamers about issues that matter to them away from the keyboard. It was a point that came up in talks with Mike Beckerman, Torstar’s Chief Client Officer.

    Now Torstar and Enthusiast Gaming are launching AFK (Away from the Keyboard) – a joint venture that closes the information gap for Gen-Z gamers and at the same time opens opportunities for marketers. Jansons will be the Chief Commercial Officer for AFK.

     Click here to read a PDF of the full press release.